Title: Baby’s got blue eyes… Author: Femme_slash_fan AKA Liz. Pairing: Zoe/Laila Rating: PG-13. Disclaimer: Not mine and NOT real... Author’s Notes: This is totally fake but rather cute. Warnings: Maybe a lot of kissage.
Title: When we dance. Author: Femme_slash_fan AKA Liz. Pairing: Erin/Darcey. Rating: NC-17. Disclaimer: Not mine and NOT real... Author’s Notes: This is totally fake but rather cute. Warnings: Rape mentioned.
... no I'm not changing my layout again for it. Simply cannot be bothered. upside is... I'm likely gonna blog about it... under cuts. greenovalfruit... I can promise I won't spoiler unless you click under cuts but... you need to watch it cause... well, we have pretties...some of them anyways.